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Fixed Fee Contracts / Litigation / Binding Financial Agreements


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

"We have 25 years experience in pricing legal work for both sophisticated clients (financial institutions and large companies) and for smaller businesses and individuals.  We work on a fixed fee for all of our contract work.  For litigation we have various pricing methods including a fixed price."

Please see here for our latest rates and information.

Our rates and fixed prices are lower than the prices charged by many Perth Commercial law firms because we own our offices so we don't pay the exorbitant St George's Tce rent that many commercial law firms do.  

Having worked at Freehills, one of Australia's largest national law firms, for several years and becoming a partner of a middle sized firm, Marcus Ahern has seen the best and worst efficiency in legal practice.

Perth Lawyers Alternative Billing Methods and Fixed Fees Lawyers in Perth

We can act for parties in litigation on the basis of an agreed fixed fee paid monthly as opposed to charging an hourly rate.  If we are engaged on that basis you can pay a set fee, often at a discounted rate, in return for us remaining on the record as acting for you in the action for a fixed period.  During that fixed period we will represent you and deal with whatever matters arise in the litigation during that time, including all court appearances and drafting of all court documents.

We deliver practical cost effective legal advice.

In our experience sometimes clients shop around with quotes that we provide, which of course is their right.  We always tell clients, therefore, if they receive what they think is a better price they can forward it to us and we will match it.

We offer fixed price contracts and litigation services based on a mutually negotiated fee that can deliver certainty in relation to costs that pure hourly rate costing cannot.

We also offer fixed prices on all contract work including the following:

Fixed Price Contracts

We prepare the best commercial contracts for companies and individuals. We generally charge a fixed rate for drafting contracts, subject to the complexity of the contract.

Commercial advice on Contracts

Business, Corporate and Property Law

Financial Review

The following extract is from an article in the Australian Financial Review on 16 May 2005 which discussed fees charged by law firms and supports the philosophy that is held by Aherns Lawyers.

"The cheapest qualified person to do each task that is required to be done on a file should do that task" Please see our fees and hourly rates above which sets out our approach in this regard.

Australia's largest law firms are coming under pressure from corporate clients to deliver more services for less money as organisations search for new ways to reduce costs.David Krasnostein, general counsel for the National Australia Bank, said 'If you step back and think about how a law firm can be efficient, what you want is the fewest number of hours put in a matter by the most expensive lawyers' he says. 'And you want the most amount of hours by the cheapest lawyers or paralegals, while at the same time maintaining a level of quality that you need'.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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