For 25 years we have provided advice on all business contracts, including building contracts and sub-contracts and on disputes including payment claims, disputes over variations, Construction Contract Act claims, disputes over delays in building works and claims over defective works and appearances in all courts.

As Perth contract and construction lawyers we specialise in all building and construction dispute resolution and litigation matters.

Our clients include the full range of businesses including building and construction companies, engineering firms, mining services companies, property developers, contractors, subcontractors, civil contractors and suppliers in a variety of building and construction disputes.

We can also assist in negotiations to reach a satisfactory and commercial resolution to payment disputes.

We provide top tier services and top tier experience at substantially better rates than those of our competitors and we provide fixed fee costs wherever possible for all of our matters.

Further information can be found here regarding our fixed fees.

Contracts usually provide methods to resolve disputes, including payment disputes.

We can give advice and recommendations on dealing with payment disputes.

We regularly represent parties in mediation, arbitration, adjudication and litigation.