We offer a preliminary opinion service on current cases for clients wanting to receive a second opinion.

Further information can be found here regarding our fixed fees.

In some cases, clients may be concerned about the following issues in their current litigation:

  1. Escalating costs
  2. Difficulties resolving litigation because of personality differences between solicitors
  3. A concern that the matter is being over-serviced by an unnecessarily large legal team.
  4. A less than commercial attitude being taken by lawyers towards litigation.
  5. Disillusionment with barristers who may have provided very positive initial advices on prospects only to weaken in their resolve as trial approaches, following significant legal expenditure in reliance on such advice.

We can review the costs incurred to date and projected costs, and consider the commerciality of the approach to the case in comparison with the amount in dispute.

We can assess progress on settlement attempts/negotiations.